

  • participation (5%)
  • paper discussion (20%)
  • course project (75%)
    • proposal abstract (15%)
    • project milestone (10%)
    • final report (50%)

Note that this class does not have any exams.

paper discussion

You should prepare a 15min summary of a paper highlighting the main contributions and raise 3-5 controversial aspects for in class discussion. These aspects might address potential extensions of the published work, limitations, alternative approaches or reflect on societal impact related to the presented research.

course project

The class project is an opportunity for you to explore an interesting vision problem in a dynamic setting (moving camera). The final course project is group-based. Ideally, two to four students should form a team and collectively work on a project tackling a challenging problem. In rare cases, a single person or more than four students can form a team as well. But you need to email explaining why a larger group is suitable and how work will be distributed among group members to get permission to do so.

All write-ups should use the CVPR style.

proposal abstract (and project milestone)

You must turn in a brief project proposal abstract that provides an overview of your idea and also contains a brief survey of related work on the topic. We will provide a list of suggested project ideas for you to choose from, though you may discuss other project ideas with us, whether applied or theoretical. Proposal abstracts should be approximately one page long excluding references, and should include the following information:

  • Project title and list of group members.
  • Overview of project idea. This should be approximately half a page long.
  • A short literature survey of 4 or more relevant papers.
  • Description of potential equipment/data sets to use for the experiments.
  • Plan of activities, including what you plan to complete by the final report and how you plan to divide up the work.

In the project milestone report you report about achieved intermediate results and next steps that you aim to achieve until the end of the course project. Please raise any changes related to the project that were not forseeable at the time of the project proposal, so we can together discuss potentially necessary adjustments.

final report

For submitting the final project report please prepare a brief 5min video, that motivates your research problem and briefly describes your approach to solve it. A more detailed and technical description of your approach should be presented either via a project report (4-6 pages) or an online presentation (e.g. via github pages). The final report should include the following information:

  • Project title and list of group members.
  • Overview of project idea.
  • A short literature survey of 4 or more relevant papers.
  • Description of potential equipment/data sets to use for the experiments.
  • Description of your approach and implementation details.
  • Experimental description and evaluation.